
My photo
Pacifica, CA, United States
Tim Davis got into trouble at age 12 for reading Treasure Island under his blankets by flashlight when he was supposed to be sleeping. When he grew up, he pursued his love of children’s literature by earning a PhD in English and teaching Children’s Literature at university. He left academia in order to move to the San Francisco Bay Area and teach elementary school under an emergency program that let college graduates teach if they worked in the inner city. Tim Davis still lives in the Bay Area with his family, and recently began writing a series of children’s books that he hopes will get some other kids in trouble for reading under the blankets with a flashlight.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Sea Cutter and Red Stone Give-Aways 8/4/11-8/11/11

Hi Young People. Go to my website to get Sea Cutter and Red Stone for free until August 11, 2011. I hope you enjoy them!

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